Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

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The holiday season has arrived, so it is high time to enjoy all the festivities this season has in store. While the holidays are sure to be merry and bright, it’s important for pet parents to keep an eye out for a few common holiday hazards. These holiday pet dangers include:

  • Human Food – Holiday meals are a highlight of the season. Make sure your pets stick to their normal diets, however, as human foods like candy, nuts, table scraps, bones and chocolate can make them sick.
  • Tinsel and Ornaments – Although the holiday season wouldn’t be the same without these decorations, pets see them as chew toys. Keep these decorations out of your pets’ reach, as they pose a choking hazard and will cause severe intestinal troubles if ingested.
  • Ribbons – Whether using them to decorate your home or add some flair to gifts, ribbons are a choking hazard for our fur-babies and will lead to intestinal disruptions if ingested by dogs or cats.
  • Plants – Poinsettias, holly, mistletoe and other plants make beautiful holiday decorations, but they are dangerous for pets. If eaten, these plants can cause mouth irritation, vomiting, diarrhea and other problems.
  • Lighting – Pets are attracted to bright, shiny objects, making holiday lighting potentially hazardous. Keep your dogs and cats away from all holiday lighting, wires and cords to protect them from electric shock, burns, tongue lacerations and even death.

Keep your holiday season holly, jolly and safe by keeping a close watch on your pets!

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